Monday, December 30, 2019

The Names of Colors in Italian

You want to tell your friend the color of the Vespa you want to buy, the type of wine you were drinking, or the hue of the sky while you were on a hilltop in Florence, but how do you say the colors in Italian? To start, here are the most common thirteen along with a list of subtle and unique  blends. Basic Colors Red – Rosso Lei porta sempre un rossetto rosso. - She always wears red lipstick. Pink – Rosa Ho comprato un vestito rosa per la festa. - I bought a pink dress for the party. Purple – Viola Ho dipinto le unghie di viola. - I painted my nails purple. TIP: Unlike other colors, you don’t have to change the ending of â€Å"rosa† or â€Å"viola† to match the object it’s describing. Orange – Arancione La sua macchina nuova à ¨ arancione ed à ¨ troppo sgargiante per i miei gusti. - Her new car is orange, and it’s too bright for my tastes. Yellow – Giallo Stava leggendo un giallo con una copertina gialla. - He was reading a mystery novel with a yellow cover. TIP: â€Å"Un giallo† is also a mystery novel or thriller. Green – Verde Mi piace vivere in Toscana, in mezzo al verde. - I like living in Tuscany, in the middle of the green. Blue – Azzurro Ho gli occhi azzurri. - I have blue eyes. Silver – Argento Gli ho regalato un cucchiaio d’argento per la loro collezione. - I gifted them a tiny, silver spoon for their collection. Gold – Oro Cerco una collana d’oro. - I’m looking for a gold necklace. Gray – Grigio Il cielo à ¨ cosà ¬ grigio oggi. - The sky is so gray today. White – Bianco Non voglio indossare un vestito da sposa bianco, ne preferisco uno rosso! - I don’t want to wear a white wedding dress, I prefer a red one! Black – Nero Calimero à ¨ un pulcino tutto nero con un cappellino bianco in testa. - Calimero is a black chick with a white little cap on his head. Brown – Marrone Mamma mia, lei à ¨ bellissima, ha gli occhi marroni e lunghi capelli castani. - Oh my goodness, she’s beautiful, she has brown eyes and long, brown hair. TIP: You would use â€Å"marrone† to describe the color of someone’s eyes, like â€Å"gli occhi marroni†, and you would use â€Å"castano† to describe the color of someone’s hair â€Å"i capelli castani†. Dark Colors If you want to talk about dark shades, you can just add the word scuro at the end of each color. Dark red – Rosso scuroDark green – Verde scuroDark blue - Blu TIP: â€Å"Blu† is understood all its own to be a darker shade. Light Colors Here are some lighter shades: Baby blue – CelesteBaby pink – Rosa confettoLight green - Verde chiaroLight blue - Azzurro TIP: Like â€Å"blu†, â€Å"azzurro† on its own is usually understood as light blue. Unique Colors Shiny/glossy red – Rosso lucido Stavo pensando di comprare una Vespa di color rosso lucido, che ne pensi? - I was thinking about buying a shiny red Vespa, what do you think? Vermilion red - Rosso vermiglione Rimango sempre affascinata dalla tonalità   di rosso vermiglione dei dipinti di Caravaggio. - I’m always attracted by the red vermilion shade used by Caravaggio in his paintings. Hot pink – Rosa shocking Non mi piacciono per niente i vestiti di colore rosa shocking, non sono eleganti. - I don’t like hot pink clothes at all, they’re not elegant. Blue green – Verde acqua Mi sono innamorato dei suoi occhi verde acqua. - I fell in love with her blue green eyes. Lilac – Lilla Il lilla à ¨ un colore davvero rilassante. - The color lilac is really relaxing. Maroon – Bordeaux Il mio colore preferito à ¨ bordeaux. - My favorite color is maroon. Hazel brown – Nocciola Ho comprato le lenti a contatto affinchà © potrei avere degli occhi color nocciola. - I bought contact lenses so that I could have hazel brown eyes. Italian Expressions with Colors Heart of gold – Cuore d’oroNot all that glitters is gold. – Non à ¨ tutto oro quel che luccica.Sweet dreams – Sogni d’oroBlack sheep (of the family) - La pecora nera

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Musical Parody Of Han Christian Andersen s The Princess...

I was really excited about the afternoon performance I was attending at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. This is essentially because I have always been obsessed with fairy tales and getting the chance to see one in action before my eyes was something to die for. Once Upon A Mattress centers around the â€Å" ‘shy’ Winnifred the Woebegone† who takes her chance at marrying Dauntless the Drab. However, she has to get through the tests prepared by the overbearing Queen Aggravain. In short, this is a musical parody of Han Christian Andersen’s The Princess and the Pea. The play began with an introduction to the orchestra that will be performing live alongside the play. I was amazed to find out about this only now. In addition, seeing that the tickets to this show was also not that expensive, I was truly thankful that I could actually kill two birds with one stone, having seen a play and an orchestra at the same time. At the beginning, an inaccurate version of The Princess and the Pea was shown before hand as the minstrel points out that the truth was far worse. This was of utmost importance to the audience to know so that they could set their expectations early on. The true story essentially begins with a test of wit for an unfortunate Princess #12, who fails miserably. I particularly liked the riddles as they helped to engage the thinking skills of the audience as well. Having an affinity towards villains, I truly loved Queen Aggravain’s performance, which was

Friday, December 13, 2019

The Holy One of Israel in Isaiah Free Essays

The Holy One of Israel This essay concerns about the meaning of the divine title ‘The Holy One of Israel’ in the Book of Isaiah. It is going to state clearly the study approach before going into the discussion. Approach of this essay The book of Isaiah had been studied through different approaches of which three are quite distinctive[1]. We will write a custom essay sample on The Holy One of Israel in Isaiah or any similar topic only for you Order Now (1)A pre-critical, or traditional, understanding, still found in some conservative scholars. They keep the entire book of Isaiah connected to the prophet Isaiah of the eighth century B. C. E. There is nothing intrinsically impossible as the approach is ‘prophecy’. With the rise of ‘historical criticism’, such an approach has been commonly rejected in the interpretive world. (2)A critical understanding of the book of Isaiah is reflective of the intellectual world of the West in the 18th and 19th centuries that focused on historical issues. The dominant idea of this approach is the division of the book of Isaiah into, with short hand references, First Isaiah, Second Isaiah and Third Isaiah. However, the ‘three Isaiah’ only exist as an editorial convenience, but without integral connection to each other. 3)The canonical study of the book of Isaiah recognizes that the book is a literary complexity. It is a literary approach, draws upon historical-critical gains but moves beyond them toward theological interpretation. The last approach is used in this essay. Introduction The Holy One of Israel, as a description of God is a distinctive feature of the Book of Isaiah. The name appeared in the Old Testament 32 times, 26 times in Isaiah. The other six times in Jeremiah (50:29; 51:5), Ezekiel (39:7) and Psalms (71:22, 78:41, 89:18). It is hardly coincidence that in his vision in Chapter 6 Isaiah himself has heard the seraphim proclaiming â€Å"Holy, holy, holy is Almighty YHWH†, the whole book works out the implications of that vision. In chapters 1-12, and then 13-27, 28-39, 40-55 and at last 56-66, the message of this vision spreads in ever widening circles. Each part leads to the next, but each also relates to that key awareness that YHWH is The Holy One of Israel. The table below shows The Holy One of Israel appeared in the book of Isaiah at different periods of history with related scriptures. Part |Chapters |Motif |Historical Events[2] |Scriptures | | |1 |Prologue |In the days of 4 kings of Judah |1:4 | |1 |2-12 |Sign of Immanuel |Challenge to Judah: Time of Ahaz |5:19, 24; 10:17, 20; 12:6 | |2 |13-27 |Fall of a Great City |Calamity and Hope for the Nations |17:7 | |3 |28-39 |Siege of Jerusalem |Challenge to Judah: Time of Hezekiah |29:19, 23; 30:11, 12, 15; 31:1; 37:23 | |4 |40-55 |Light to the Nat ions |Comfort in Babylon |41:14, 16, 20; 43:3, 14; 45:11; 47:4; | | | | | |48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 55:5 | |5 |56-66 |Return of the Prodigal Son |Challenge to Judah after Exile |60:9, 14 | The Meaning of Holiness The Hebrew word for holiness is qodes (Greek: hagios). It is used for what is set apart from a common to a sacred use[3], as the utensils and ministers of the sanctuary, and certain days (Ex 20:8; 30:31; 31:10; Lev 21:7; Num 5:17; Ne 8:9; Zech 14:21); for what is separated from ceremonial defilement (Ex 22:31; Lev 20:26) or immorality (2Cor 7:1; 1Thes 4:7) including false worship and heathen practices (Lev 20:6, 7: 21:6). In a larger sense God is holy, for He is separated from all other beings by His infinite perfections, by His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justices, goodness, and truth, the glory of which fills the earth (Isa 6:3). Israel acquires holiness by being obedient to God’s commandments and faithful to His covenant (Lev 11:44; Deut 28:9)[4]. The concept of holiness permeates the life of Israel. Even the land occupied by the people is considered holy (Zech 2:12). The capital city Jerusalem is designated as the city of God, the holy habitation of the Most High (Ps 46:4). The Holy One of Israel The term ‘The Holy One of Israel’ reflects the dialectical relation between ‘The Holy One’ and ‘Israel’. It is a relation with the Holy One with a non-holy entity[5]. The Holy One requires Israel to be holy. ‘Be holy because I, the Lord Your God, am holy’ (Lev 19:2). The separate one becomes the attached one. Their relation is bound by covenant. The challenge of the relation is Israel’s unfaithfulness in worshipping other god’s. The most notable example is the imposition of Baal worship on the northern kingdom by Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel. Both the northern and the southern kingdoms suffered captivity. Any ‘rebellious’ from Israel side causes ‘discipline’ from The Holy One side. Exile’ from Israel causes ‘In the midst’ from the other, ‘punishment’ causes ‘redemption’, ‘go astray’ causes ‘teaches and leads’ etc. In the Book of Isaiah, the Holy One is the Lord, God. The Lord has passion. He is angry at Israel who rejects His laws (5:24; 31:1) but His compassion is good news more directly for the powerless (29:19). He is the Creator of Israel (43:15), the Maker of this nation (17:7; 45:11; 54:5). He is called the Holy One of Israel, and is in relation with Israel, like Husband and wife (54:5), Father and son (45:11; 63:16; 64:8). The Holy One of Israel is in the midst of the people of Israel (12:6), they will stay upon the Lord (10:20). The harmonious covenant relation between the Holy One and Israel is being challenged by the rebellious Israel. The people have forsaken the Lord, they have contemned The Holy One of Israel (1:4; 5:19, 24; 30:12; 37:23), they are turned away backward and they reject the law of the Lord (5:24). The people have been warned but they do not look unto The Holy One of Israel (31:1). Israel is being punished and exiled. This is the way that the Lord teaches and leads Israel (48:17) to restore the covenant relation. The Holy One of Israel, their Redeemer and Savior (41:14; 43:3, 14; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5) rescues the people from exile so that they will understand the work of the Lord (29:23; 41:20), they will rejoice in the Lord and they will sanctify The Holy One of Israel (29:23; 41:16). He Himself works for Israel (43:14), through the redeeming work of the Lord, He has glorified Israel (55:5; 60:9, 14). YHWH’s majesty and authority is over Judah and other nations (49:7). On that day shall a man regard his Maker, and his eyes shall look to The Holy One of Israel (17:7). This is a sketch of a thread sewing The Holy One of Israel throughout the Book of Isaiah. It is discussed in more details below. Prologue (Chapter 1) Israel is called to be a holy nation (Exodus 19:6), now becomes a sinful nation (1:4). A people laden with iniquity, a people being the seed of Abraham become a seed of evildoers. They have despised The Holy One of Israel. The degenerated children have forsaken the Lord, their father. Nothing in human life is more tragic than an unsuccessful upbringing. God’s children rebel against God. ‘The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master’s crib, but Israel does not know, my people does not consider’ (1:3). The knowledge to The Holy One of Israel is even worse than ox and ass to their master. The rod of the Holy One is upon Israel, like the Holy Father disciplining His son (Hebrew 12:4-11). One day, Judah will be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city, Zion will be redeemed by justice, and those in her repent by righteousness (1:26, 27). Israel is like the prodigal son who returns to his father. Part 1 (Chapters 2-12) Sign of Immanuel Judah turns their back to God, the people think that the wealth is built by their power and might, they do not look up to their God, The Holy One of Israel, and they despise His words. They do not even know who they are before the Holy One of Israel. What a rebellious nation who tests and tries The Holy One of Israel. ‘Let Him make speed, let Him hasten His work, that we may see it and let the counsel of The Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it’ (5:19). The people do not know themselves before the Holy One. Even do they not seek the Holy One of Israel, nor do they lift up their eyes on God, but rather they have taunted and blasphemed the Lord (37:23). The sinful nation is called the rejecter of the law of the Lord and despiser of the Word of God (5:24). They forget the laws of the Lord, those holy decrees, laws and regulations that the Lord established on Mount Sinai. (Lev 26:46). For that reason the fire of judgment would descend on them like fire that devours the stubble, and they would burn like chaff. The wicked are perished in the judgment. They are like trees with rotten roots and blossom torn off by the wind. They fly away like dust (5:24). His hand is raised and strikes them down. His hand is still upraised (5:25). At the time of King Ahaz, a sign of Immanuel is given to the people of Judah. No matter how unfavorable the circumstances is, The Holy One of Israel is with them when Damascus and Samaria are punished, and also God will be with them when Assyria comes up to destroy like razor (7:10-20). Part 2 (Chapters 13-28) Fall of a Great City: Calamity and Hope for the Nation YHWH’s punishment comes. ‘The fortress will disappear from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus’ (17:3a). Israel’s trouble comes from looking away from YHWH and disregarding YHWH’s governance and requirements. They have been excessively preoccupied with their own achievements and mesmerized by their own religious assurances. But now Israel would refocus their eyes back to ‘The Holy One of Israel’ (17:7). The theme is repentance and return to YHWH. Part 3 (Chapters 28-39) Siege of Jerusalem The Holy One of Israel is a Protector but the people of Judah do not seek Him. God has spoken to the leaders of Israel not to depend on Egypt, nor to return to Egypt to acquire more horses (Deut 17:16). However they opposed Him and turned their back on Him. ‘Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help, and rely on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many and in horsemen, because they are exceeding mighty; but they look not unto The Holy One of Israel, nor seek the Lord! ’ (31:1) They are rebellious people, faithless children, who do not listen the instruction of the Lord (30:9). They do not like the true prophesy (31:10), nor the right path, nor listening to The Holy One of Israel (31:11). Therefore, the punishment of The Holy One of Israel is upon them, like a break in a high wall, bulging out, and about to collapse, whose crash come suddenly (31:13) its breaking is like a smashing potter’s vessel (31:14). The Holy One of Israel urged His people to return and rest (30:15), to be quiet like a weaned child at its mother’s breast, and to surrender trustingly to their father, to have childlike faith. However, Judah is constantly in fear, surrounding by enemies. The wicked man has no peace but grief. Judah does not have the love of God to cast out fear. They were nervous and ran to and fro without any accomplishment. They focused not on The Holy One of Israel but wrongly on Egypt’s chariots and horses. The city of Jerusalem finally falls down. The people become captives, being exiled to Babylon. Part 4 (Chapters 40-55): Light to the Nation During the period of exile, The Holy One of Israel is a Comforter. ‘Fear not! ’ the Lord speaks to Jacob three times in 41:10-14. That is indeed necessary because the poor exiles fear so many things. But the Lord, the faithful covenant God, uses all kinds of motives and inducements to comfort His people. In the exile, Jacob looks like worm, insect, dead man. The Lord’s comfort gives light to this nation. ‘Fear not, for I am with you, do not be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you, and I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. (41:10) ‘For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, â€Å"Do not fear, I will help you†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢(41:13). ‘Do not fear, you worm Jacob, you insect Israel! I will help you, says the lord; your redeemer is The Holy One of Israel’ (41:14). The Lord will hel p Jacob with His right hand. He will make Jacob a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth, to thresh, strike, punish and crush the mountains and hills, so that they are blown away as chaff before the wind. On that day Jacob will rejoice in the Lord, they will glory in The Holy One of Israel. Lord’s comfort brings hope to the nation. The desert people know what it meant to suffer thirst. The exile experiences are like the poor and needy seeking water. The Lord has heard their voices. He will not forsake them. To those perishing with thirst, much water supply was the most impressive metaphor of rich blessings. This abundance is described as the breaking forth of streams, even on the plateaus. Trees will come up in former deserts. On that day, they may see and know and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the Lord has done this, and The Holy One of Israel has created it. Redeemer and Creator (43:1-15) The Holy One of Israel is a Redeemer of Jacob. He has given Egypt as Jacob’s ransom, Ethiopia and Sheba in exchange for Jacob. Why? Because the Lord is the creator of Israel, for he will redeem His people (43:1). The Lord calls Jacob by name, showing intimate relationship between the covenant God and Israel. Israel was precious in God’s sight and honored, and God loved Israel. He gave people in return for Israel, nations in exchange for their life. Also, the Lord is their God, The Holy One of Israel, their Savior. He will protect them. The fire constantly purifies Israel, but it never consumes her; the water cleanses her, but it could never swallow up the Jews. ‘When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; The flames will not set you ablaze. ’ (43:2) For the sake of Jacob, The Holy One of Israel will punish Babylon, He will bring down all of them as fugitives, even the Chaldeans, in the ships of their shouting, because The Holy One of Israel is their Redeemer, their Creator, their King (43:15), their Maker and Husband (54:5). Part 5 (Chapters 56-66) Return of the Prodigal Son The Holy One of Israel participates in the Return of Jacob to Jerusalem. 60:9 and 60:14 mentions ‘The Holy One of Israel’. It is a scene of return of Jacob to Jerusalem from Babylon. In 60:9, ‘to bring your children from far away, their silver and gold with them, for the name of the Lord your God’ refers to the return of Israel with the herald of the King Cyrus of Persia (Ezra 1:1-4). Verse 14 referred to the help of the Lord, Jerusalem is called the City of the Lord, the Zion of The Holy One of Israel. In the exposition of Chapter 60, Harry Bultema[6] writes that ‘some attempted to explain this divine oracle concerning the blessedness of the Israelites as taking place after the return from Babylon; others explained them wholly spiritually of the prosperity, growth and extension of the Christian Church during the days of the New Testament’. Bulterma further quotes the expositor Van der Palm statement ‘the former explanation must of necessity weaken the intended meaning of the words, and the latter violates all sound literal biblical exegesis. ’ Since it has been stated in the beginning that the approach of this essay is canonical literary one, it is not agree to take the traditional view here. From the structure of Chapter 60, it refers to the return from Babylon. -5Glory of the Lord is upon Jerusalem. 6-12Gold and frankincense and all the riches are brought to Jerusalem by sea and by land. 13-18Those who oppressed Israel shall come bending low to Israel. T hey would know this is the work of the Lord, He is their savior, Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob. 19-22God was the glory of Zion. One more discussion: Is Jesus The Holy One of Israel? From the above discussion, we can see that The Holy One of Israel is God who bears the following titles: Redeemer, Savior,Comforter,Protector,King, Creator,Maker,Husband,Father There are two questions arise. First, ‘Is The Holy One of Israel referring to Jesus and never in any way beyond Jesus? Second, ‘Is The Holy One of Israel referring to Jesus? ’ In response to the first question, Harry Bultema states that it refers to our Lord Jesus, ‘who is constantly indicated and further defined as the One who created and formed Israel and who one day shall deliver, protect, and glorify it as the Savior. ’[7] It is not agree with Bultema for two reasons, though The Holy One of Israel bears the above titles in the book of Isaiah. (1)In Isaiah, The Holy One of Israel is also refe rred to as a Father (45:11), which is contradict to the title of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. 2) The promise applies to Israel. The church should not rob the glory of the Jews. Da Costa complained once – our country, our cities, our glorious name and the church had robbed us of our promises. Did this not concern you, O Christians. ’ In response to the second question, the title is originally referring to God who comforts, redeems, creates, etc in the Old Testament time. It is very closed referring to Jesus, except for the title of ‘Father’ whose name exists in the triune God. Conclusion With the approach of the canonical study of the book of Isaiah, it is found that the Holy One is the Lord, God. He is the Creator of Israel, the Maker of this nation. He is the Father of this people. The following few lines summarize this essay. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, Immanuel is Your name. Woe to those who despise Your Words, The Holy One of Israel they know not. Woe to those who seek help from Egypt, Protector, Comforter, Savior, Redeemer, they ask not. Your rod from Assyria is upon them, but You are in the midst of them. On that day, their eyes are upon You, They will see You are the Deliverer, the Maker of this Nation. On that day, the Creator will hear, Your are my Father, we are Your children. Bibliography 1. Walter Brueggemann, Isaiah 1 – 39 (Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville) 1998. 2. Walter Brueggemann, Isaiah 40 – 66 (Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville) 1998. 3. John Goldingay, New International Biblical Commentary: Isaiah, (Hendrickson Publishers, Massachusetts) 2001. 4. John D. Davis, Davis dictionary of the Bible, 4th edn (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan) 1975. 5. Johannes B. Bauer, Encyclopedia of Biblical Theology Vol 1, (Sheed and Ward, London) 1970. 6. Stephen Lee, Lecture Notes on BSN304: Understanding Isaiah: An Exploration on the Spirituality of Exile, 2010. 7. Gordon C. I. Wong, The Road to Peace: Pastoral Reflections on Isaiah 1-12, (Genesis Book, Singapore) 2009. 8. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Volume II:E-J, (Grand Rapids, Michigan) 1982 ———————– 1] Walter Brueggemann, Isaiah 1 – 39, (Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville) 1998, 3-5. [2] John Goldingay, New International Biblical Commentary: Isaiah, (Hendrickson Publishers, Massachusetts) 2001, 8. [3] John D. Davis, Davis dictionary of the Bible, 4th edn (Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Michigan) 1975, 334. [4] Geoffrey W. Bromiley, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Volume II:E-J, (Grand Rapids, Michigan) 1982, 725-726. [5] John Goldingay, New International Biblical Commentary: Isaiah, 15. [6] Harry Bultema, Commentary on Isaiah, (Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan) 1981, 584. [7] Harry Bultema, Commentary on Isaiah, 20-22. How to cite The Holy One of Israel in Isaiah, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Deviance Is Socially Defined Essay Example For Students

Deviance Is Socially Defined Essay What does it mean to say, deviance is socially defined?Deviance is defined as, The recognized violation of cultural norms. Deviance is an act of rebellion against set of rules, and expected behavior established by a certain society. Deviance is defined in many different ways. It is depended on the norms of the society, and region. Individuals become deviant when people label their actions as deviance. It depends on how that certain society defines deviance on individuals. The establishment of rules, and breaking rules in society is determined by strong social powers. This event leads to social inequality in society. The Saints and the roughnecks, are an example to labeling individuals as deviants, and it shows how social power causes inequality. Deviance appears in all likes of society. Deviance has many meanings to unconformity on a cultural norm. It depends on that the state of society, and its region. Prostitution is a profession that has existed since the beginning of society. Prostitution is viewed as a sleazy way of making money. The United States outlaws this profession, because it degrades females. Yet it is legal, and accepted in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada. Residents in Nevada view prostitution, as any other job. Individuals become deviants when society decides to call the acts deviance. It is a labeling process put on the person. An example of deviant behavior would be the teen youth wearing baggy attire. Baggy attire is related to gangs, which in turn makes a person view teens that wear baggy attire to be a troublemaker. As a result it puts a stigma on the teen, which causes the teen to accept it, and then becomes a deviant individual. Rules are created and broken by people who have strong social powers, and ties. Dan White an ideal view of the American dream, got away with murder. Dan White had strong social ties with his community and supporters. He murdered Harvey Milk, who is a homosexual, and the Mayor. Harvey Milk had many opposing social forces against him. Dan White broke many rules for the murders. Dan is viewed as a hero to the anti-gay community. It was his social ties, and power that gave him his lenient verdict. The Saints and the Roughnecks, presents how society labels certain individuals as deviants because of their social class status. The Saints were boys who came from an upper social class setting. The social conflict paradigm says, Upper class individuals tend to abstain from committing deviant acts. The Roughnecks came from a lower class, therefore giving them a bad impression. Both groups broke many rules, and were juvenile delinquents. The saints were viewed as good boys, while the Roughnecks were view as bad boys. The difference was the social class setting. The wealthier group had more power, and respect giving them a better image. Society views groups in poverty as deviants-to-be. Deviance has many meanings. It depends on the culture, and the region where it is located. Different cultures have many different views of deviance. There is no correct, or ideal view of deviance in a society. Everyone in society has committed a deviant behavior. To be labeled as a deviant, society must define what is right and wrong. Placing stigmas on individuals will make the person accept the negative feedback, which in turn will cause them to become a deviant. People who have strong social ties, and support will control society. These people can make and break laws, without worrying about consequences. Social power involves a strong social class status. The Saints and the Roughnecks, are two groups which both committed deviant acts. One group is viewed better because of their social status. The Rich will always be viewed as more respected and valiant, then a group in poverty. Inequality is a result of deviance in society. This issue prompts society to become more alert of the pr oblem, which causes social change.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Acids&Bases Essays - PH Indicators, Litmus, Bromothymol Blue, Base

Acids&Bases What substances turned into Acids? & What substances turned into Bases? Hypothesis: Procedure: Pour about three milliliters of your sample in each of three test tubes. Pour the same amount on a watch glass. In the first test tube put in two drops of methyl orange and record the color. In the second test tube, put in two drops of bromothymol blue and record the color. In the third test tube, add two drops of phenothalein and record the color. Using the watch glass sample, touch the tips of a red and a blue litmus paper and record the colors. Then touch the tip of a piece of pH Paper and record the color and match the color to the chart and record the pH. Methyl O Bromothymol B Phenothalein R Litmus B Litmus pH Paper Color Congo R AA- orange/red yellow clear red red pink(1) purple OJ- red/orange yellow yellow red pink Orange(4) purple HA- red yellow clear red red red(2) purple Bleach-orange yellow clear red red orange(4) purple Vinegar-red yellow clear red red red(1) purple SH-orange blue red blue blue brown(12) orange Mouth wash-red yellow/green sky blue red red red(1) purple Lemon J-red yellow clear red red red(2) purple Windex-Orange blue clear red blue orange(6) red Plax-orange blue lilac red red orange(6) peach PickleJ-red yellow clear red red red(4) brown Di gel- yellow blue lilac blue blue yellow(7) red Conclusion: Acids are chemical compounds made up of nonmetallic elements or polyotomic ions combined with hydrogen. They react with metals to release hydrogen and have a pH less than 7. That is why litmus paper turns red. So anything that turned red in my chart was an acid. Bases are compounds made up of metallic elements or polyotomic ions combined with hydroxyl radicals. They are formed when some metals react with water and have a pH above 7. They turn litmus paper blue. So anything on my chart that is blue under litmus is Bases. So from my results it was very easy to clarify which substance was an acid and which one was a base. Science Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Best AP World History Notes to Study With

The Best AP World History Notes to Study With SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips AP World History is a fascinating survey of the evolution of human civilization from the beginning of recorded history to the present. Because it spans thousands of years and covers the rise and fall of countless empires and nations across the globe, it might seem like an overwhelming amount of information to remember for one test. This article will help you organize your studying more easily by providing links to online AP World History notes and advice on how to use those notesto structure and execute a successful study plan. How to Use These AP World History Notes The notes in this article will help you review all the information you need to know for the AP World History exam.If you’re missing any notes from class or are just looking for a more organized run-through of the curriculum, you can use them as a reference. During your first semester of AP World History, study the content in the notes that your class has already covered.I’d recommend conducting a holistic review of everything you’ve learned so far about once a month so that you don’t start to forget information from the beginning of the course. In the second semester, after you’ve made it through most of the course, you should use these notes in conjunction with practice tests. Taking (realistically timed) practice tests will help to verify that you’ve absorbed the information.After eachtest, assess your mistakes, and take note of where you came up short.Then, focus your studying on the notes that are most relevant to your weak content areas.Once you feel more confident, take and score another practice test to see if you’ve improved on your last score. You can repeat this process until you’re satisfied with your scores! Background: AP World History Themes The content for AP World History is divided into five themes that can be traced through six different historical eras.The five themes that will show up throughout the course and exam include: Theme 1: Interaction Between Humans and the Environment Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures Theme 3: State-Building, Expansion, and Conflict Theme 4: Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of Economic Systems Theme 5: Development and Transformation of Social Structures You should examine all content through the lens of these themes. AP World History is mostly about identifying large trends that occur over long periods of time.In the next section, I’ll go through the six historical eras designated by the curriculum, each accompanied with links to online notes. Much like these gentlemen, AP World History is very trendy. Except AP World History would never wear that godawful scarf. AP World History Notes These notes are organized by the six major historical periods laid out in the curriculum.Most of the notes are derived from CourseNotes, which has detailed outlines that go over every chapter from the fourth edition of the textbook World Civilizations: The Global Experience. The only notes that don’t come from CourseNotes are the chapter notes for Period 1. I took them from theAPstudynotessite because it contains more detailed information on early human history.They come from a different textbook called Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, 3rd Edition.I’ve also included links to notes that cover broader thematic concepts within each period, which I’ve labeled as â€Å"overall notes" at the beginning of each of these sections. The biggest issue with all of these notes is that it can be hard to pick out key concepts. There are no bolded terms or summaries at the ends of the outlines. If you need a more engaging format to hold your attention, I'd recommend buying a review book instead or printing out the notes so you can highlight important points. Period 1: Technological and Environmental Transformations (Up to 600 BCE) Overall Notes for Periods 1 and 2 Textbook Chapter Notes: PreHistory Early Southwest Asian Societies and Indo-European Migrations Early African Societies and Bantu Migrations Early South Asian Societies Early East Asian Societies Early Societies in the Americas and Oceania Period 2: Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies (600 BCE - 600 CE) Textbook Chapter Notes: Classical Civilization in the Mediterranean (Greece and Rome) Classical Civilization in China Classical Civilization in India Development and Decline in the Classical Period (Pre-500 CE) Period 3: Regional and Transregional Interactions (600 CE - 1450) Overall Notes for Period 3 Textbook Chapter Notes: The Rise and Spread of Islam Abbasid Decline and Spread of Islamic Civilization to South and Southeast Asia African Civilizations and Islamic Influence Civilization in Eastern Europe: Byzantium and Orthodox Europe A New Civilization Emerges in Western Europe American Civilizations Pre-European Contact Chinese Reunification and Renaissance Spread of Chinese Civilization in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam Mongolian Civilization and the Last Nomadic Challenges The Rise of the West and the Changing World Balance Period 4: Global Interactions (1450 - 1750) Overall Notes for Period 4 Textbook Chapter Notes: Growth of the World Economy Transformation of Europe The Rise of Russia Early Latin America African Civilizations and the Atlantic Slave Trade Muslim Empires Developments in Asia Period 5: Industrialization and Global Integration (1750 - 1900) Overall Notes for Period 5 Textbook Chapter Notes: Emergence of an Industrial Society in the West Industrialization and Imperialism Consolidation of Latin America Civilizations in Crisis: Ottoman Empire, Islamic Heartlands, and Qing China Russia and Japan: Industrialization Outside the West Period 6: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (1900 - Present) Overall Notes for Period 6 Textbook Chapter Notes World War I and the Crisis of European Global Order Challenges to European Dominance in the 1920s Great Depression and Authoritarian Response World War II and the End of the European Global Order Western Society and Eastern Europe During the Cold War Latin American Upheavals African, Middle Eastern, and Asian Independence Movements and Revolutions Nation-Building in East Asia and the Pacific Rim Globalization at the Turn of the 21st Century You can also check out these helpful mini-outlines on each world region from CourseNotes.They give you the status of each region at different periods in history in the areas of politics, economics, social class/gender, scientific advances, art and culture, empire, and religion.There are outlines for Africa, East Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, South Asia, the US, and Western Europe. Ah, the earth is such a beautiful and historic place! AP World History Study Tips Here are a few study tips that will help you prepare strategically for the exam. In addition to these tidbits of advice, you can check out this article witha longer list of the best study tips for this class. #1: We All Scream for Historical Themes I’m sure you’ve been screaming with delight throughout your entire reading of this article because the themes are so thrilling.Seriously, though, they’re super important for doing well on the final exam.Knowledge of specific facts about different empires and regions throughout history will be of little use on the AP test if you can’t weave that information together to construct a larger narrative. As you look through notes, think carefully about how everything connects back to the five major themes of the course. For example, if you're reading about the rise and spread of Islam in the 7th century, you should think about how this can be viewed in the context of Development and Interaction of Cultures. How did the spread of Islam impact cultural and political landscapes in the Middle East? What were its long-term effects on the region and why?If you get into this mode of thinking early, you’ll have an easier time writing high-quality essays on the final exam. #2: Practice Outlining Essays (Especially the DBQ) It’s critical to write well-organized, coherent essays on the AP test, but statistics indicate that a large majority of students struggle with this aspect of the exam.In 2015, the average score on the DBQ was just 3 out of 9 points - ouch.That means most students had trouble incorporating all the documents into their argument in a way that flowed logically.I guarantee that you can earn much more than 3 points on the DBQ and other essay questions if you consistently practice writing outlines that follow the directions and stay focused on the main topic. Try to becomea pro at planning out your ideas by the time the exam rolls around. #3: Know Your Chronology You don’t need to memorize a ton of exact dates, but you do need to be aware of the basic order in which major events happened in each region of the world.If someone tells you the name of an empire or dynasty, you should know which centuries it was active and what caused its rise and fall.Pay attention to the overall developments that occurred in world history during each period designated by the course.What types of contact were made between different regions? Where were trading networks established? What were the dominant powers? Multiple-choice and essay questions will ask you to focus on certain time periods and regions, so you should know the gist of what was going on at any given juncture. #4: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff It’s good to know that a certain (hypothetical) emperor was attempting to unify culturally disparate regions through a shared national identity in the 5th century.It’s not necessary to know the names of every single region in the empire and the exact dates when they were conquered. You're not expected to have aphotographic memory. AP World History is mostlyabout broad themes. You should still includea few specific details in your essays to back up your main points, but that's not nearly as important as showing a deep understanding of the progression of human history on a larger scale. Don't let yourself get to this point. In terms of sweating the small stuff, I mean. You can do crunches while you study if you want. Maybe you can create your own smash hit training program that helps people exercise and study for AP tests at the same time, and you'll be so rich you won't even have to go to college. You're welcome. Conclusion: How to Study With AP World History Notes A well-organized set of notes can help to ground your studying for AP World History. With so much content to cover, it's best to selectively revisit different portions of the course based on where you find the largest gaps in your knowledge. You can decide what you need to study based on which content areas cause you the most trouble on practice tests. Tips to keep in mind while studying the notes for this course include: Tip #1: Connect Facts Back to the Themes Tip #2: Practice Writing Essay Outlines Tip #3: Know the Basic Chronology of Events Tip #4: Don't Worry Too Much About Small Details If you meticulously comb through your mistakes and practice your essay writing skills regularly, you're on the right track to a great AP score! What's Next? What's a document-based question? How do you write a good response? Read this article to learn more about the most challenging question on the AP World History test! If you're taking AP World History during your freshman or sophomore year, check out this article for some advice on which history classes you should take for the rest of your time in high school. How many AP classes should you take over the course of your time in high school? This article will help you figure out how many AP classes you should take based on your goals and the course offerings at your school. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The connection between Obama speech, human right, and right of the Essay

The connection between Obama speech, human right, and right of the child - Essay Example and Islamic countries. The speech made by Obama is interlaced with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This paper will examine the three points, which the president, President Obama, and many other pundits had also discussed before, in relation to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights mandate and the Rights of the Child resolution. These three points will be depicted in each paragraph, with highlights linking the former to the mainstream of Human Rights and the Rights of the Child mandated by the state. The last paragraph will denote the conclusive delineation of the researcher regarding these three narrow issues. The First Connection is Violence, Murder, and the War. In President Obama’s speech, he mentions the violent actions done by Islamic activists to other civilians as a form of a human rights violation. He cited the 9/11 event as an example of violence shown by Islamic activists to people, which had left a lo t of lifeless Americans; the living, fearful, and distressed (â€Å"Remarks by the President† 1). President Obama also highlighted in his speech the killings of children, as a result of wars, initiated by Islamic political activists like Al Qaeda. He recalled the time wherein many innocent children were killed during the 9/11 event as a result of a group’s hunger for revenge and power. Not only that they killed other races, but they also killed their own kind, as well (â€Å"Remarks by the President† 4). Furthermore, the latter, as part of President Obama’s speech, is an example wherein violation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights takes place. It states that every person has â€Å"the right to live and to feel secured† (â€Å"Universal Declaration† 2). Since their sense of security is endangered, and their right to live a peaceful life is assaulted, a human right violation will take place. This scenario is also a violation of Artic le 19 paragraph 1 found in the Rights of a Child promulgation wherein it states that a child should be protected from physical violence and injuries (â€Å"Convention† 5). It is the duty of the State Parties, involved in the convention, to make sure that children are protected from violence and other forms of danger that affect their safety and well being as a person (5). The Second Connection is Education. The second connection, which can be can be found in President Obama’s speech, is the common desire of the people in the U.S. to achieve a good education (â€Å"Remarks by the President† 3). The right to have an education is in conformance with Article 26 in which education is a right for everyone to possess. With this mandate, education must be accessible and free for all people regardless of what race and status they have in life. Education should be a molding instrument to shape the personality and dignity of a person. It should also promote peace among nat ions through presenting a curriculum that brings understanding to the culture of other nations (â€Å"Universal Declaration† 6). This aspiration can also be found in the Rights of a Child Article 28, which states that education must be free and available to children (â€Å"Convention† 8). Just like what is mandated under Human Rights, elementary education must be provided to all children regardless of life status. Furthermore, it is the aim of the State Parties to eradicate illiteracy to all nations (8). With this on hand, the state

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Choose one fromTOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT or NEW PRODUCT OR NEW SERVICE INTRODUCTION (NPI) orLEAN MANAGEMENT - Essay Example The engine and the accessories are all out-sourced from about 80 suppliers. The engine supplier is located about 100 Km away but the accessory suppliers are scattered all over the country There is a paint shop but the company uses a contractor to do the jobs with his own labour. 2. There is either a shortage or excess of raw materials at Production Assembly Line as the company works on basis of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) and is dependant on supplier offering delivery dates 3. Movement within the plant is slow and not smooth. Apart from the main conveyor Belt there are few conveyor belts and component feeding is mostly manual. There are only 3 forklift trucks, one for each Machine shop. As a result of above there are Erratic Dispatches. The dealers complain of missing delivery dates for their customers. Despite having fixed quotas for 50 dealerships the company is unable to forecast its requirements. This shows complete ignorance of how to use data and information for production planning. There is no consistency in Production plan. It is made weekly as per demand pressure without considering availability of capacity or raw materials. The Material Requirement Planning (MRP) does not take into consideration the available capacity and schedules resulting in either excess raw materials or shortage of raw materials at production head and elsewhere. Resources are not adequately available for Production resulting in delays within the operation Many movements within same section and between sections are manual as there is a shortage fork-lift trucks. No attention has been paid to installation of conveyers within sections and adding more forklift trucks between sections. Despite the equipment being relatively new breakdowns occur due to non existence of Preventive Maintenance Plans and non availability of spares in time Supply chain is not synchronized with Production hence raw material arrival does not match Production requirements. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analysis NASA Challenger Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Analysis NASA Challenger Case - Essay Example Administrators owe their loyalty to the employees, students, school districts and the parents. Employees rely on the information given to them by the administrators. In addition, parents have trusted the administrators to protect their children. Moreover, school districts have mandated the administrators to achieve laid down goals and objectives. Finally, students expect administrators to ensure their safety and quality service delivery to them. In order for the administration to protect their relationship with employees, they give this type of recommendation when getting rid of their employees. They give an employee a chance of another employment by another institution. In most cases friendship tend to have outdo honesty. Administrators tend to offer half-truths about their employees due to friendship. However, that not ought to be the case. Honesty in the workplace is fundamental, since it ensures that there is trust among the administrators. In addition, honest information makes one to make right decisions. In the Gadam’s case, the administrators said nothing about Gadam’s behavior. This may have been due to the friendship that existed between the administrators and Gadam. Moreover, due to the fear of tarnishing the reputation of the institutions by a negative recommendation letter about one of their employee. In the NASA case, the managers are fully responsible for the explosion. Despite their knowledge in engineering and the reasons the engineers gave against the launch, they adamantly gave an okay for the launch of the rocket. In addition, they decided to throw their engineering knowledge to the wind and embrace the management skills. I would have tried to persuade the managers not to launch the rocket, if I was in the position of McDonald or Boisjoly. Moreover, I could have warned the six astronauts and Christa McAuliffe about the danger they were about to get

Friday, November 15, 2019

Psychoanalysis as a Form of Literary Criticism

Psychoanalysis as a Form of Literary Criticism Psychoanalysis is a set of psychological theories that was founded by the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud in his work Interpretation of Dreams (1900). By bringing up models for the human psyche such as tripartite model (considering human mind as being consisted of an Ego, Superego and Id), proposing different stages of human development (including oral, anal and phallic stage) and also mentioning Oedipus , Electra and Castration complexes, which were a great contribution towards Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic criticism . Oedipus Complex: the unresolved desire of a child for sexual gratification through the parent of the opposite sex, especially the desire of a son for his mother. This involves, first, identification with and, later, hatred for the parent of the same sex, who is considered by the child as a rival. Castration Complex: What prevents the male child from continuing to have incestuous desires for his mother is the fear of being castrated by his father as punishment for his desires. This approach then continued by psychologists such as Carl.G.Jung and Jaques Lacan. Lacan tries to analyze the hows and whys of human action. In this regard language has a significant role, psychoanalysis declares that language shapes the individuals emotions and experiences and as Lacan believed Language shapes and ultimately structures our unconscious and conscious minds while also shaping our self-identity. (Bressler, I34) Because psychoanalysis is concerned with the amorphous human stuff, before it is influenced by culture, language and history, its concern lies in the very intersection of pre-history and history. Pre-history is recognized with qualities such as indivisibility, non-integration, plentitude and oneness while history is related through difference, subjectivity and separation. In other words, the main concern of psychoanalysis is the continual tension between differentiation and non-differentiation. As Lacan believed, human beings go through different stages in order to be able to differentiate themselves as a separate entity in order to reach the sense of individuation. These stages are imaginary order, mirror stage and symbolic order. When the infant is in the first phase, the imaginary order, he imagines himself as united with his mother and cannot see the boundaries, but then in the mirror stage he begins to know that he is separated from his mother and the external world; although, this is just an allusion because he cannot move his body or eat whatever he desires. In the third phase, the symbolic order, the baby considers himself as separated and begins to learn language and this is where language gradually molds his identity. Intro John Fords Tis Pity shes a Whore encourages us to identify with its central characters complete identification with the pre-Oedipal, only for that sympathy to turn belatedly to disgust. The play dramatizes an incestuous relationship between Giovanni and his sister Annabella which leads to pregnancy and ends in disaster and death. Set in Parma, Italy, the story takes place against a background of lust, vengeance and greed that serves as a critique of contemporary culture and morality. Giovanni was warned about the seriousness of his sin by the Friar, but as Giovanni describes it is out of his control. After Annabella decides to end her relation and marry her suitor Soranzo, Giovanni falls in distress. Soranzo plans to catch Giovanni and Anabella in the process of love-making so he leads the situation so that they end up in his own bedroom, and have them murdered. Giovanni talks to Anabella and after realizing their impossible situation he kills her and exits and later on enters Soranz os party with Annabellas heart on his sword and after a battle kills Soranzo and dies himself from his wounds. Analysis Giovanni the central protagonist is a pre-Oedipal narcissist, he returns subjectivity to a pre-Oedipal state which literally consumes the other part of a self and makes two completely separate things into one self-same entity. Incest is a case within the pre-Oedipal stage. It breaks the laws of the post-Oedipal sexual and linguistic difference, in this case confusing the names of brother and sister with the name of lover. Giovanni rejects God as the creator of the world and gives himself the right to refashion and restate laws as a result of his pre-Oedipal desire. Giovanni emphasizing on the oneness he believes with his sister which was the womb where the both were born of seeks reunion and conjoining, looking towards his sister as an object, an object of love and devotion which eases the feeling of division within him. Love symbolically castrates Giovanni and the castration leads him to exile from his identity and masculine self, leading him to a state of a pre-genital, pre-linguis tic non-differentiation.  Ãƒâ€šÃ‚   Giovanni also seeks another kind of unity which is the unity between sign, language and reality and he believes his words are directly from his emotions. Imitating words of poetic lovers; however, this language further separates and alienates him from the object of love which is Annabella for example when he is reading a sonnet for Anabella repeatedly interrupts him, these interruptions indicate Annabellas refusal to see herself in Giovannis inscriptions and results in violence. Unable to cope with losing his Annabella to Soranzo and his refusal of reality he kills and removes Anabellas heart from her body and enters the final scene with the heart on his dagger. Giovannis violent response to the trauma of exile (exile from Anabellas heart, life womb and bed) is to destroy in order to retain everything that is to be separated from him. His pre-Oedipal narcissistic fantasy is based upon the utter eradication or absorption by others leading hi m to create an iconic approach in the final scene obliterating all competing realities. Intro In Ben Jonsons Bartholomew Fair, an ensemble of various London characters attends the yearly fair in Smithfield commemorating the martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew. First performed in 1614, particularly the theme that when social order is turned upside down or absent, predators emerge to construct a new order based on cheating other characters. At the fair, the characters argue, steal, fight, and cheat while consuming roast pig, ale, gingerbread in a swirl of gluttony, profanity, and sex. Three authority figures, Humphrey Wasp, Justice Adam Overdo, and the Puritan Rabbi Zeal-of-the-Land Busy, seek to control other characters, but they cannot control their own appetites. When the three authority figures accede to their own appetites and gorge themselves, the audience and the characters realize that the fair has its own social order. Analysis For the purpose of the psychoanalytic interpretation of Bartholmew Fair, author will be read as Oedipal father/father-figure; audience as fathers wayward children conscripted by the father at the beginning of the play to the principle of solitary, and the fair as the occasional pleasure, sensual release and enjoyments forbidden by the father as audience are expected to keep their distance from the fair, preventing their fall into the pre-Oedipal world of the fair. The Carnival is the pre-modern equivalent of Freuds polymorphously perverse pre-Oedipal child whose bodily drives have not yet been regulated. The bizarre game played by several of the characters of vapours which involves contradicting one another for the sake of contradiction depicts the discharge of undirected bodily energies and the pig-woman Ursula who is the body of the fair psychoanalytical perspectives of the infantile desire towards the mothers body. Quarlous one of the spectators finds Ursula as a swamp that a man can sink within. Based on the Oedipus complex perspective, Ursula is that womb like state which can draw a man back to the non-differentiation state, while the aim of Ursula is to make money out of the fairs visitors, a capitalist simulation of the blissful state of pre-Oedipal indivisibility. Cokes represent an unregulated infant who bothers his guardian because he is attracted to each and every capital object within the fair. Bartholmew Fair is a questioning of e xternal authority and its externally imposed laws of difference and an embrace, which falls under the fantasies of pre-Oedipal state. Conclusion Psychoanalysis plays an important role in literary criticism, the approach to analyze a characters whats and hows of action without an aesthetic concern and to find a reason for their thoughts can be beneficial to the way readers interpret a literary work, and for authors to create distinguished characters based upon their concern. The Oedipus complex and the personality disorders were enlightened through   Giovannis Violence and death in Tis pity shes a Whore, which were a result of the intolerance of separation from his object of love; in addition, Cokes infantile desires in Bartholomew Fair is a shining example of rejecting adult-separateness.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing the way two poets, John Claire and Ted Hughes, write about :: English Literature

Comparing the way two poets, John Claire and Ted Hughes, write about the theme of nature and the season of summer. Through out my essay, in which is to follow, I will be comparing the way two poets, John Claire and Ted Hughes, write about the theme of nature and the season of summer. The two poems that I am to study are Work And Play written by Ted Hughes and Summer Images written by John Claire in the 1800's. In both the poems the poets are talking directly to us (the reader). Although both poems are about summer and nature they are coming at us from very different points of view. In Work and Play Ted Hughes Talks directly to us about how nature in terms of the swallow deals with summer 'the swallow of summer she toils all the summer' and how nature in terms of human beings deal with summer 'But the holiday people were laid out like wounded flat as in ovens roasting and basting'. He makes the comparison between the beauty of the swallow and ugliness of the humans throughout the poem. When thinking of summer one can't help but get a rosy picture in ones mind, the beach, the sun, and the fun!! But Hughes paints a more realistic picture for us. He shows us the down side and instantly wipes away the mental picture and shows us its not all fun. Through out the poem he also points out how we are destroying our surroundings giving it a very green, environmental feel to it. He pacifically concentrates on cars, petrol and pollution 'Serpent of cars that crawl through the dust' 'in hailing petroleum'. As you can clearly tell Ted Hughes is constantly contrasting the humans (nature at its worst) with the swallow (nature at its best). John Clair's poem comes across from a different angle. He concentrates on everything that is right with nature; through out his poem we get a very romanticised view of summer, and in every stanza he describes nature to its full beauty 'much beauty intervenes', 'turn up the silver lining to the sun'. Every word that John Clair uses in his poem he manages to romanticise in some way, for example 'the jetty snail creeps from the mossy thorn' John Claire softeners the word thorn by adding a soft word in front of it, in this case the word was mossy. In the time that Claire was writing this poems was seeing nature through rose coloured glasses, but he was also summing up what people of his time thought of nature.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Psychology of Dreams

Why we dream: an analysis of contemporary research and theory on the function of dreaming Krista L. Hulm Essay Topic Why do we dream? Discuss with reference to psychological theories and research. Abstract Within classical psychoanalytic psychology, Freud’s (1900) conception of dreams is the most prominent dream theory among modern Western culture (Fosshage, 1983). Freud theorised that dreams serve a dual, compromise function. He suggested that unconscious, instinctual drive energy pushes for discharge, moving toward the expression of a consciously unacceptable impulse. The reduction in conscious restraints characteristic of sleep allows a symbolic, disguised dream expression of the repressed wish. The overt (manifest) content of the dream represents a compromise between the instinctual forces (latent content) striving for expression, on one hand, and the repressive forces of consciousness on the other (Freud, 1900). Freud assumed that the energy pushing for action would awaken the sleeper if not for the dream which, through symbolic discharge, allows a return to sleep. Therefore the dream is seen as serving the biological function of preserving sleep, with the psychological function of discharging an unacceptable wish that might otherwise burst destructively into waking life (Dallet, 1973). Various aspects of Freud’s dream theory have undergone review from the point of view of contemporary dream research (Breger, 1967; Foulkes, 1964). It is generally agreed that with respect to dream function in particular, the sleep preservation view is invalid and the underlying model on which the wish-fulfilment theory rests requires extensive revision. A study on REM sleep deprivation and its effects on depression found that when dream sleep was experimentally repressed in depressed patients, they were found to be more outgoing, energetic, more likely to engage with others and generally less unhappy (Cartwright, 1993). This may be due to dreams of depressed people having the characteristic of being more self-blaming. These findings contradict with Freud’s theory: if dreams are a safe expression of infantile wishes, why does this function fail to help the depressed? Despite the many problems inherent in Freud’s theoretical formulation of dream function, his far-reaching work has provided a basis for many of the contemporary theories discussed below. Contemporary research on dreams using brain-imaging studies contradict the view that content emerges from random signals (Morewedge & Norton, 2009). The hippocampus, which is critical to the acquisition of some types of memories, and the amygdala, which is important for emotional memories, are both seen to be active during REM sleep in brain-imaging studies (Nielson & Strenstrom, 2005). This understanding of the physiological aspects of dreams supports the idea that one of the functions of sleep itself is to draw together recent experiences with one’s goals, problems and desires (Paller & Voss, 2004). Fossage’s (2007) organisational model of dreams stemmed from such understandings. The model proposes that the core process and function of dreaming is to organise data. More specifically, dream mentation, like waking mentation, develops, maintains, and restores psychological organisation and regulates affect in keeping with shifting motivational priorities. Research shows that babies spend 50% of their sleep time in REM sleep, adults 25% and older people 15% (Breger, 1977). From the idea that REM sleep quantitatively decreases throughout the lifespan, a number of theorists (Breger, 1967; Reiser, 1990) suggest that dreaming fosters structuralisation of the nervous system through the establishment of neural memory networks or maps and babies spend more time in REM in order to establish maps and corresponding categories of organisation. This suggestion supports the organisational model of dreaming. Furthermore, the organisational model of dreaming includes a revision of psychoanalytic theory to explain the content of dreams concluding, in short, that dreams more directly reveal – through affects metaphors and themes – the dreamer’s immediate concerns (Fosshage, 2007). References Bulkeley, K. (1993). Dreaming is play. Psychoanalytic Psychology 10(4), 501-514. Retrieved September 8, 2009, from PsychARTICLES database. Cartwright, R. (2000). How and why the brain makes dreams: A report card on current research on dreaming. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23, pp. 914-916. Fosshage, J. L. (1983). The psychological function of dreams: A revised psychoanalytic perspective. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 6, 641-669. Fosshage, J. L. (2007). The organizing functions of dreaming: Pivotal issues in understanding and working with dreams. International forum of psychoanalysis, 16, 4, 213-221. Retrieved 14 August 2009, from Academic Search Premier database. Freud, S. (1900). The interpretation of dreams. Revonsuo, A. (2000). The reinterpretation of dreams: An evolutionary hypothesis of the function of dreaming. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 23, pp. 877-901.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Teens Pregnancy Between Ages 15-19 Essays

Teens Pregnancy Between Ages 15-19 Essays Teens Pregnancy Between Ages 15-19 Essay Teens Pregnancy Between Ages 15-19 Essay Essay Topic: Teens Nakeda Denise Ford Imagine an average group of teenage girls still in high school that have always done everything together. They make straight A’s in school and belong to a wealthy family, and soon they decide to come up with a pack. The pack is for every one of them to become pregnant by their boyfriend or a random guy. Planning the pregnancy pack, the girls are unaware of the consequences that their actions may bring them. Now picture a young female around the age of sixteen who feels very unwanted and unloved by society and even her own parents. Feeling abandoned and alone, she decides to become pregnant to fulfill the need of love. The next young women seems to have fallen in love with her new boyfriend believing he is the answer to her problems, but he seems to be pushing away from her and starts to pursue other females. Feeling as if she has no control over the situation, she decides to become pregnant believing that a child will bring them closer together. Only she succeeds at bringing them farther apart. What do these three cases have in common? What may lead these young girls to become pregnant, and why does pregnancy seem to be the solution to their problem? There are many answers to these questions. The following examples will explain what kind of situation and what state of mind influences these girls to become pregnant. One reason could be that teens see others female pregnant or to keep their relationship stable. Another reason teenager gets pregnant because of loneliness. There are also other contributors of teen pregnancy. Teenagers today are having sex at a young age thinking that they are responsible and able to take care of a baby. Teen pregnancy can also result because of a lack of sex education and birth control in schools. Young females of this generation do not think of the consequences before they go out and engage in something that can seriously affect their future. To better present the ideas within this paper, it is necessary to give a definition of teen pregnancy. In 2006 the total number of live births per 1,000 women aged 15-17 was 22. and for women around the age 18 and 19 the number was 73. 0, both instances the first increase since 1991(Kendall 495). Teen pregnancy rates are becoming higher every year. Although many teens decide to become pregnant for the several reasons, they fail to think about other aspects related to their pregnancy, but rather focus on the one reason for them choosing to become pregnant. Teenagers who are becoming pregnant have a higher risk of running into social aspects and economic issues. According to Kendall, teenage pregnancies are a popular topic in the media and political disclosures, and the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the Western industrialized world (Kendall 495). Young women today gain the attention from the community by becoming pregnant. Many times, this attention is exactly what they need. In today’s society, becoming pregnant is like a cycle. Everyone is trying or planning to do it. Teenagers sometimes get pregnant because they see other females pregnant. According to Miller, some girls may see their friends having babies and then decided to get pregnant themselves just to get the same attention they have witnessed given to others (Miller 17). When young women begin to feel like this, they may be experiencing low-esteem and the lack of family involvement. Interviewing a friend she stated, â€Å" If her parents acted like a parents she would not have to be in the situation she’s in now. † If parents today take the time out to pay more attention to their children, they would not need to turn to their peers or to others in the community for attention. If teens have someone to give them advice about pregnancy and explain to them all factors associated with making the decision to become pregnant, such as putting education first, then maybe not decide differently. Many teenage girls see themselves as having nothing to strive for like graduating from high school because they have few role models to follow, their teachers give them little encouragement about their abilities, and friends are becoming pregnant. Parenting looks like the best thing going, any girls think, because babies provide an immediate source of unconditional love, Parrot said. Teens in foster care are more likely to get pregnant than teens that are at home with their parents. In fact, teen girls in foster care are two and a half times more likely than those not in the system to experience a pregnancy by age 19 (Blick 16). This may happen because of the family related issues. They see what other teens in foster care are doing and seek to do the same to gain attention as well. Again, no one is there to give them advice. Young adults may experience struggles in their relationship and may be able to sense when their spouse wants out. Thinking that becoming pregnant will somehow savage their relationship, most females find the need to get pregnant to mend a broken or unstable relationship, their young and undeveloped minds seem unable to comprehend the dangers involved in teenage pregnancy. Some teenagers try to become pregnant to keep their relationship stable. Even if their boyfriend decides to stay with the for child shake, the problems will still be there, and will only resurface later on. When becoming pregnant the female will have to deal with the stress and other things that come along with the pregnancy and the relationship may end. Teenager also become pregnant because they know the father will be there for her and the baby. In most article they explain to there readers about how fathers neglect there children but there are some fathers out there who are willing to take care what there. Maybe that is why teens get pregnant to try to find the same kind of treatments. In some cases, older teenagers who have decided to get married may decide to get pregnant to start a family early (Miller 15). Most young women believe in getting married at a young age before getting pregnant because of their religion. These cases are very rare because almost 71 percent of females are unmarried or live with their baby fathers (Miller 16). Adolescent’s females have a weak mind especially when it comes to men. Young women seem to get pregnant to support their financial need for her and her male partner by becoming pregnant. Young women become pregnant, not because the value children, but because of the amount of benefits they receive (Stewart 1). By been place on welfare young women think becoming pregnant will be their solution to their problem. Fertile welfare receipts is actually lower than the fertility rate among women not on welfare (Stewart 1). It is best for welfare program to invest in each home and help young teens get a job. Young teenager believe in getting pregnant by older men. They fill that an older man can take care of them and fulfill their financial needs by supporting them and the baby. Been with an older man they believe that the relationship may work. This information may and may not be true because some men bail out on women after they become pregnant. Some men are unable to take care of her and the baby. Abusive relationship can also cause a female to become pregnant. According to Miller twenty –six percent of girls reported their partners were actively tiring to get them pregnant by manipulating condom use, sabotaging birth control and making explicit statements about wanting them pregnant (Miller1). An abusive relationship can affect the female in many ways causing her to be afraid her partner and listening to his commands. Think of forced sex as an aspect of abusive relationships, but this takes that abuse a step further to reproductive control of a young womans body (Miller 1). † When teenager seem be in an abusive relationship she tends to be scared of her partner and have know one to turn to. When young women seem to say their partner want a baby instead of them mostly there involved in a abusive relationship. The biggest issue teens face is been lonely. Many teenagers today do not have a father figure which causes them to become pregnancy because of the Piaget, J. The Moral Judgement Of The Child. New York: The Free Press, 1965.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Understanding the Difference Between Race and Ethnicity

Understanding the Difference Between Race and Ethnicity Its common to see the terms race and ethnicity used interchangeably, but, generally speaking, the meanings are distinct. Race is usually seen as biological, referring to the physical characteristics of a person, while ethnicity is viewed as a social science construct that describes a persons cultural identity. Ethnicity can be displayed or hidden, depending on individual preferences, while racial identities are always on display, to a greater or lesser degree. What Is Race? The term race refers to distinct populations within a larger species. Racial characteristics are physical and can range from skin, eye, and hair color to facial structure. Members of different races usually have relatively minor differences in such morphology- a branch of biology dealing with the form and structure of animals and plants- and in genetics. All humans belong to the same species (Homo sapiens) and sub-species (Homo sapiens sapiens), but small genetic variations trigger varying physical appearances. Though humans often are subdivided into races, the actual morphological variations dont indicate major differences in DNA. The DNA of two humans chosen at random generally varies by less than 0.1%. Because racial genetic differences arent strong, some scientists describe all humans as belonging to a single race: the human race. What Is Ethnicity? Ethnicity is the term used for the culture of people in a given geographic region or of people who descended from natives of that region. It includes their language, nationality, heritage, religion, dress, and customs. An Indian-American woman might display her ethnicity by wearing a sari, bindi, and henna hand art, or she could conceal it by wearing Western garb. Being a member of an ethnic group involves following some or all of those cultural practices. Members of an ethnicity tend to identify with each other based on these shared traits. Examples of ethnicity include being labeled as Irish, Jewish, or Cambodian, regardless of race. Ethnicity is considered an anthropological term because it is based on learned behaviors, not biological factors. Many people have mixed cultural backgrounds and can share in more than one ethnicity. Race vs. Ethnicity Race and ethnicity can overlap. For example, a Japanese-American would probably consider herself a member of the Japanese or Asian race, but, if she doesnt engage in any practices or customs of her ancestors, she might not identify with the ethnicity, instead considering herself an American. Another way to look at the difference is to consider people who share the same ethnicity. Two people might identify their ethnicity as American, yet one is black and the other white. A person born of Asian descent growing up in Britain might identify racially as Asian and ethnically as British. When Italian, Irish, and Eastern European immigrants began arriving in the United States, they werent considered part of the white race. This widely accepted view led to restrictions of immigration policies and on the entrance of â€Å"non-white† immigrants. Around the start of the 20th century, people from various regions were considered to be members of sub-categories of the white race, such as â€Å"Alpine† and â€Å"Mediterranean† races. These categories passed out of existence, and people from these groups began to be accepted into the wider â€Å"white† race, though some retained distinction as ethnic groups. The idea of an ethnic group can also be broadened or narrowed. While Italian-Americans are thought of as an ethnic group in the United States, some Italians identify more with their regional origins than their national ones. Rather than view themselves as Italians, they consider themselves Sicilian. Nigerians who recently moved to the U.S. might identify more with their specific group from within Nigeria- Igbo, Yoruba, or Fulani, for example- than their nationality. They might have completely different customs from African-Americans who descended from former slaves and whose families have been in the U.S. for generations. Some researchers believe that the concepts of both race and ethnicity have been socially constructed because their definitions change over time, based on public opinion. The belief that race is due to genetic differences and biological morphologies gave way to racism, the idea of superiority and inferiority based on race, they charge. Persecution based on ethnicity, however, also has been common. Race Trumps Ethnicity New York University sociology professor Dalton Conley spoke to PBS about the difference between race and ethnicity for the program â€Å"Race: The Power of an Illusion†: â€Å"The fundamental difference is that race is socially imposed and hierarchical. There is an inequality built into the system. Furthermore, you have no control over your race; it’s how you’re perceived by others.† Conley, like other sociologists, argues that ethnicity is more fluid and crosses racial lines: â€Å"I have a friend who was born in Korea to Korean parents, but as an infant, she was adopted by an Italian family in Italy. Ethnically, she feels Italian: She eats Italian food, she speaks Italian, she knows Italian history and culture. She knows nothing about Korean history and culture. But when she comes to the United States, she’s treated racially as Asian.† Key Takeaways Differences between race and ethnicity: Race is biological, while ethnicity is cultural.Ethnicity can be displayed or hidden, while race generally cannot be.Ethnicity can be adopted, ignored, or broadened, while racial characteristics cannot.Ethnicity has subcategories, while races no longer do.Both have been used to subjugate or persecute people.Some sociologists believe that racial divisions are based more on sociological concepts than biological principles. Sources:

Monday, November 4, 2019

Polarizers Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Polarizers - Lab Report Example With reference to the two major classes of polarizers, a number of applications are drawn from their characteristic behavior (Dipak, 143). Linear polarizers as a class of polarizers are made up of two sub-categories including absorptive and beam-splitting. The major difference between beam-splitting and absorptive polarizers is that the former splits an incident beam into two beams of varying polarization while the latter splits unpolarized beam into two oppositely polarized states. An example of a linear polarizer is the wire-grind polarizer which is considered one among the simplest under the linear category of polarizers.  An instance ofthe  absorptive polarizer is the tourmaline crystal. However, this crystal is not used applicably as a polarizer as it appears colored (David, 13). In practical applications, polarizers  function under Malu’s Law which states that  when  a  perfect polarizer is positioned in a beam of polarized light is affected  by the initial intensity of the beam and the angle between the beam’s primary polarization path/direction and polarizer’s axis. Circular polarizers find more industrial use in that they are used in as filters in photography. In addition, circular polarizers are also employed in the 3D-glass lenses where determination of whether an image is supposed to be visible to the right or the left eye (Mark,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 23

Economics - Essay Example Brooks argues that this migration to what he terms â€Å"sprinkler cities† is a part of the American character. While taking a tongue-in-cheek look at the peculiar nature of these new exurbanites (massive outdoor grills, SUVs and shopping at mega-box stores) he focuses more sincerely on his observations about what really motivates this group of people to live in sprinkler cities. Brooks concludes that it is a combination of factors that are uniquely American. He says that the belief that greener pastures are always to be found in another place is a part of American mythology. This desire for movement is coupled with the desire to be surrounded with people that are similar to them. The belief in technological solutions to modern problems, the desire for relaxed camaraderie and providing a traditional childhood for their children drive them to create new spaces that fit their ideal. Katz feels that the real cause of the outward expansion of population from city centers isn’t caused by something inherent in American culture. He identifies a lack of cooperation between governmental entities as the real root cause of the problem. He argues that misguided land use policies and funding for transportation systems that encourages exurban growth create the atmosphere needed for the expansive growth. He shows that as households move away from urban centers and older suburbs, what they leave behind is broken neighborhoods and crumbling social and physical infrastructure. I agree most with the article written by Katz because his focused on sound economic principles. Actually, Brooks alluded to these principles but did not identify them as a real part of the problem. Brooks speaks of the underused six-land highways, the in-ground sprinkling systems and the availability of enough treated water to have lush grass even in the most arid climate. He identifies these trappings as necessary for the new exurbanite to create their own little

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Analysis and commentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis and commentary - Essay Example The discussion is healthy in the sense that it makes the whole world aware of Mr. Sarkozy’s way of handling racism issues. It is evident that he is concerned with making the French people be acquainted with their right place in their country (Lebovic, Bringing the Empire back Home: France in the Global Age 45). They are made to understand that being France entails a lot, and is a collective responsibility for everyone to understand all that being a French citizen entails. Lebovic asserts that most French citizens born of both French parents do not support the idea of immigration since they consider immigration to be the source of competition for national resources (Bringing the Empire back Home: France in the Global Age 8). Jean Marie Le Pen has been portrayed as a politician who is promoting racist politics in the sense that he out rightly opposes Mr. Sarkozy’s immigration policies. His statements have polarized the immigration debate; thus making people try to define who is French and who is not. Lebovic asserts that Le Pen opposed immigration from the word go, despite the efforts made by Mr. Sarkozy’s side to make him understand the importance of immigration and national identity policies (True France: The wars over Cultural Identity, 1900-1945, 34). In conclusion, the France’s identity debate should be treated as a matter of importance and urgency. Those opposed to the immigration policy should clearly analyze how the immigration policy affects the life of many French citizens who are not French citizens by birth before going against

Monday, October 28, 2019

Marketing Plan - Chancellor University Essay Example for Free

Marketing Plan Chancellor University Essay Chancellor University is a for-profit secondary education institution located in Seven Hills, OH. Grounded in the traditions of business, it has multiple degrees in business and other select professions. Alumni of Chancellor University include John D. Rockefeller and Harvey Firestone. The degree selection ranges from certificates to Masters Programs focusing in business, healthcare management, global comparative studies, and criminal justice. In 2009, Chancellor switched from ground campus to an all-online format, with students spread across the United States and some countries around the world. Chancellor believes that students succeed later in life because they are taught to strive for excellence. Based on previous SWOT analysis, Chancellor has a chance to recover from the economic downturn and help it become viable as a premiere institution. STRENGTHS| WEAKNESS| SOCIAL MEDIA PROGRAM| LOSS OF JACK WELCH MGMNT TO STRAYER UNIVERSITY| COMMUNITY COLLEGE PARTNERSHIP| REPORTS OF LOSING ACCREDITATION| HISTORY| LOW STUDENT RETENTION| | | OPPORTUNITIES| THREATS| WORKING CLASS AND FIRST GENERATION COLLEGE ATTENDEES| BAD ECONOMY| CELEBRITY STUDENTS| LACK OF ALTERNATIVE FINANCING|. DEMAND FOR HIGHER EDUCATION| COMPETITORS OFFERING SIMILAR CLASSES AND FORMATS| Recently added to the Chancellor University degree offerings is the Masters and certificate program of Social Media. According to some, this addition as a Master’s Degree is not viable but the certificate program is seen as viable for specializations. The feeling is that most students would already be well versed in social media and that its best to follow a concentration in Marketing and use the social media classes within the Marketing program. The social media certificate program is great to have for the marketing major and will show a specialization of making social media relevant in the business realm. A lot of higher education facilities are starting to add courses and degrees with this specialization, Chancellor is seen as one of the firsts to make it available to their students. Chancellor recently began to offer a â€Å"Study Abroad† program that will aide in the students in getting a well-rounded education with global exposure. Chancellor has also partnered with community colleges to offer students a wider variety of courses and credits toward their Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees. Chancellor stands to continually lose its footing as a premiere institution considering the lack of alternative education financing due to its for-profit status. It makes it difficult for students to pay or obtain alternative payment plans for their education. Pell Grant is the only grant offered to the students. States cannot award students grants because Chancellor is a for-profit institution, this means that the students will bear the weight of financing and increase their loan responsibility. Reports have been continually floating around of the schools accreditation being at risk from the Higher Learning Commission in Chicago due to poor leadership, financial health, and the quality of the academic programs. Losing accreditation would mean that students could no longer utilize the federal Pell grants for their education with Chancellor. The Jack Welch Management Institute was a top notch addition to the Chancellor curriculum. With its loss to Strayer, Chancellor loses the investment money that came from Jack Welch and the prestige that came with the famous managers name and contributions to their management program. The demand for higher education at an affordable rate continues to rise. Chancellor is not offering it in their current format. Time is taken away from the leadership team developing the curriculum or focusing on the needs of the students to prepare for the commission review. This can turn a lot of students away and the retention rate will decrease. The classes are moderately priced compared to University of Phoenix and Strayer University (based on Bachelor Degree programs). Opportunities exist for Chancellor to expand. Recommendations would include: * Branching out to offer campus sites within the community colleges that they have established partnerships with. This can be obtained by offering professors a stipend to teach courses that are more difficult for students to follow with the online formats, satellite campuses have contributed to the success of Strayer University and University of Phoenix. * Establish a larger presence with social media. Offer the current students the opportunity to blog about their experiences and link the blogs to their social mediums, this increases awareness of Chancellor and their presence on the Internet. * Increase information on the Wikipedia. org page. The article for Chancellor University is more so focused on the history instead of the offerings of the institution. The page describes several changes that Chancellor has been through starting with the Folsoms Mercantile College and can turn potential students away with the constant changes. * Work out, within the partnerships of the community colleges, to offer Chancellor students the option to take their courses as electives. This will increase the amount of electives available for Chancellor students and contribute to the satisfaction of their education experience. * Chancellor should transition back to letting the students pick their own classes, giving them a selection in each category for the general education electives. This way, the students are responsible for their education and can still study subjects of interest to them. Works Cited Chancellor University. (n. d.). Retrieved from www. chancelloru. edu Chancellor University wikipedia. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 24-26, 2012, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Chancellor_University Magaw, T. (2012, August 6). Crains Cleveland Business. Retrieved Octber 24-26, 2012, from Accrediting body again issues show-cause order for Chancellor U. : http://www. crainscleveland. com/article/20120806/FREE/308069957 Strayer University. (n. d. ). Retrieved October 25, 2012, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Strayer_University Strayer University. (n. d. ). University Tuition Fees and Costs. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from Strayer University: http://www. strayer. edu/financial-support/tuition-and-fees University of Phoenix. (n. d. ). Bachelor of Science in Management. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from University of Phoenix: http://www. phoenix. edu/programs/degree-programs/business-and-management/bachelors/bsm. html#tab=tuition Wecker, M. (2012, March 1). US News Education. Retrieved October 26, 2012, from Avoid Social Media M B As, Some Students Say : http://www. usnews. com/education/best-graduate-schools/top-business-schools/articles/2012/03/01/avoid-social-media-mbas-some-students-say.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Scarlet Letter and the Egg-carton Essay -- Scarlet Letter essays

The Scarlet Letter and the Egg-carton An analogy between two subjects can often lead to a better understanding of one or more of the topics. This point can be displayed by a comparison between the classic novel by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, and a normal egg-carton. An analogy can be made between the concealment of secrets in the novel and the concealment of the eggs by a closed egg-container. Also, a correlation can be made between the revealing of secrets by the characters in The Scarlet Letter and the revealing of the many eggs by an open egg-carton. Lastly, the characters in the novel protect others as an egg carton protects its eggs. Both an egg-carton and The Scarlet Letter provide examples of concealing, revealing, and protecting. As a closed egg carton hides its contents from view, so the characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel hide their shame and secrets. Certain characters in The Scarlet Letter take great lengths to conceal their secret shame. Hester Prynne, the adulterous lover to Reverend Dimmesdale, lied in order to conceal the true meaning of her Scarlet Letter from her daughter, Pearl. Hester tells Pearl, "... as for the scarlet letter, I wear it for the sake of its gold-thread" (Hawthorne 166). Hester's guilt ridden lover, Reverend Dimmesdale, concealed his shame as well. As he himself phrased it, "Cowardice which invariably drew him back [from revealing he was Pearls father], with her tremulous gripe, just when the other impulse [remorse] had hurried him to the verge of a disclosure" (Hawthorne 136). In Dimmesdale's case, it was his fear of shame that kept him from acknowledging his part in Pearl's creation. Besides concealing their shame, the charact... ... did finally figure that the Minister Dimmesdale was Hester's lover, Hester decided to warn Dimmesdale. She warned the Minister because as she believed, "the sacrifice of the clergyman's good name, and death itself, would have been preferable to the alternative [Dimmesdale's torment] which she had taken upon herself to choose." (Hawthorne 177). The novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne can be compared in several ways to an egg-carton. A closed egg-carton can conceal its contents as characters have concealed their secrets. An open egg-container can reveal its eggs as the characters in the novel have revealed secrets. An egg-carton can protect its eggs and Hester Prynne can protect those who were important to her. The novel The Scarlet Letter, when analyzed in depth, can be found to be an even greater piece of American literature.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Diana of the Crossways: A Novel :: Free Essays Online

Diana of the Crossways: A Novel Before reading Diana of the Crossways it is important to understand the facts surrounding the life of George Meredith, as corresponding elements can be found in many of his works. George Meredith was born on February 12, 1828 in Portsmouth. During his early years he faced several accounts of hardship. His mother died when he was hardly five years of age. Shortly after her death, George Meredith's father, Augustus, inherited a failing business and heavy debts from his own father. Augustus was forced to declare bankruptcy and travel to London to earn a living, leaving young Meredith in the care of relatives. At age fifteen, Meredith attended the Moravian school at Neuwied on the Rhine. He remained there for less than two years accounting for his only formal education. Meredith was apprenticed to Richard Stephen Charnock who introduced Meredith to his literary circle of friends. Among them were Edward Peacock and his sister Mary Ellen Nicolls. Mary Ellen Nicolls can be described as havi ng lively intelligence and wit. This seems to characterize many of Meredith's heroines. They married in 1849, but they had very little success as a couple. Since they were both intelligent and demanding they desired more from the relationship. In 1858 Mary Ellen Nicolls eloped with artist Henry Wallis ending her relationship with Meredith. From here, Meredith married his second wife Marie Vulliamy who was the contrast of Mary Ellen Nicolls. She was a very practical, domestic woman who was a good hostess and housekeeper. It is quite ironic that Meredith would desire a helpmeet relationship when all of his works surround the independent, headstrong woman. Meredith was an energetic man who would frequently toss around a weight nicknamed "the beetle" for exercise. In the 1870's Meredith began to develop symptoms of locomotor ataxia, which crippled him. In 1892 Meredith was elected president of The Society of Authors, a position that was previously held by Alfred Lord Tennyson. In 1905 h e was awarded the Order of Merit. Over the years, Meredith became increasingly disabled and deaf before passing away on May 18, 1909 (Casal, The Victorian Web). During his lifetime Meredith produced fifteen novels, eight poetry collections, and countless minor works; most of which are out of print today. His best work is characterized by brilliant insights, carefully chosen diction, and powerful imagery. Diana of the Crossways is rich and interesting with realistic characters that come alive for the reader.